How to Join

Join APMS!

To join the Aquatic Plant Management Society, submit the New Member application form online (if you are an existing member, then please login to renew your membership):

Membership Term

The APMS Membership Term begins on July 1 of each year. A renewal reminder will be emailed to members in May or June. Dues must be paid prior to the Annual Meeting in order to participate in the APMS Annual Business Meeting held in July. You may join at any time during the year. Members who join after March 1st will receive Membership privileges for the remainder of that membership term and for the entire next membership term.

Membership Classes

There are three regular classes of membership available to applicants, according to the Charter of our Society which was adopted in 1961. These membership classes are:

Individual$115Entitles member to vote, hold office, serve on committees, and receive publications
Student$25Full time students receive same privileges as Individual member

Membership privileges for one designated representative; subscription to the “Journal of Aquatic Plant Management”;  access to the APMS newsletters and social media content; quarterly issues of Aquatics magazine; recognition as a Sustaining Member in newsletters, the Annual Meeting Program, and on the APMS website.

Please visit our Sustaining Members section.