Graduate Student Research Grant

Michael D. Netherland Graduate Student Research Grant

Student initiatives are among the most important core values of the Aquatic Plant Management Society. At the top of the list of student support programs is the Michael D. Netherland Graduate Student Research Grant (GSRG) offered by APMS in the area of aquatic plant and algae management and ecology.

This academic grant is co-sponsored by APMS and the seven regional APMS chapters: Florida, MidSouth, Midwest, Northeast, South Carolina, Texas, and Western.

The APMS GSRG was renamed to the Michael D. Netherland GSRG in 2019 to honor the technical accomplishments and unique character of our friend and colleague, Dr. Michael D. Netherland. Mike had unrivaled passion for the science and practice of aquatic plant management. He trained under some of the discipline’s most productive scientists. He worked in government research, academia, and private industry; providing him a great perspective on partnership and joint success. He studied all aspects of aquatic plant management including diverse collaborations examining basic biology, ecology, and genetics.

2024 Grant Application

The Michael D. Netherland Graduate Student Research Grant is currently accepting applications for 2024.

See the announcement for more information.

Grant Objectives

The $40,000 Michael D. Netherland Graduate Student Research Grant is awarded biannually by the Aquatic Plant Management Society (APMS) for the most qualified proposal submitted. The objective is to provide a grant for a full-time graduate student to conduct research in an area involving aquatic plant management techniques (used alone or integrated with other management approaches) or in aquatic ecology related to the biology or management of regionally or nationally recognized nuisance aquatic vegetation (macrophytes, algae or cyanobacteria).

Solicitation for proposals is open to any full-time faculty member and/or graduate student of an accredited U.S. academic institution. A faculty sponsor must be identified if the application is submitted by a graduate student. Proposals are scored by an eight-member panel consisting of academic judges from APMS and each of the regional chapters. Grants are awarded at the July APMS Annual Meeting.

A total of $450,000 in Graduate Student Research Grants have been awarded since 1999. When sufficient funds are available, APMS may solicit proposals for additional grants funded exclusively through APMS, without regional chapter contribution (for example, the grant awarded in 2015 to North Carolina State University). APMS may also solicit proposals when entities approach APMS to cost share urgently needed aquatic plant or algae-related research within a specific region (for example: the Starry Stonewort Grant proposal solicitation that was awarded in 2017).

Grant Recipients

Following is a list of the Graduate Student Research Grants funded under this program.

Recipient Proposal Title Awarded Amount
Ryan Wersal and Chris Ruhland
Minnesota State University
The Photosynthetic Ecology of Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) and Implications for Future Spread 2022 $40,000
Rob Richardson and Jens Beets
North Carolina State University
Evaluation of Effect of Biotype on Biology and Response to Herbicides of Aquatic Macrophyte Species 2020 $40,000
Ryan A. Thum and Greg M. Chorak
Montana State University
Identifying Eurasian and Hybrid Watermilfoil Gene Expression Differences in Response to Frequently Used Herbicides for Improved Adaptive Management 2018 $40,000
John H. Rodgers, Jr.
Clemson University
Evaluation of management options for Nitellopsis obtusa (Desvaux in Loiseleur) J. Groves, (1919) (Starry Stonewort) in the United States 2017 $60,000**
Christopher R. Mudge and Bradley T. Sartain
Louisiana State University
Exploring Alternative Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell) Management Strategies 2016 $40,000
Rob Richardson
North Carolina State University
Aspects of Monoecious Hydrilla Physiology and Response to Herbicide Combination Treatments 2015 $40,000*
Scott Nissen
Colorado State University
Exploring the Physiological Basis of 2,4-D Tolerance in Northern Watermilfoil x Eurasian Watermilfoil Hybrids 2014 $40,000
Ryan Thum
Grand Valley State University
A Quantitative Genetics Approach to Identifying the Genetic Architecture of Herbicide Susceptibility, Tolerance, and Resistance in Hybrid Watermilfoils (Myriophyllum spicatum x sibiricum) 2012 $40,000
Rob Richardson, Sarah True, and Steve Hoyle
North Carolina State University
Monoecious Hydrilla: Phenology and Competition 2010 $40,000
John Madsen and Ryan Wersal
Mississippi State University
The Seasonal Phenology, Ecology and Management of Parrotfeather [Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellozo) Verdecourt] 2007 $60,000
Susan Wilde
University of South Carolina
Investigating the Role of Invasive Aquatic Plants and Epiphytic Cyanobacteria on Expression of Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) 2005 $40,000
Katia Englehardt
University of Maryland
Controlling Non-native Submersed Aquatic Macrophyte Species in Maryland Reservoirs: Plant Competition Mediated by Selective Control 2001 $40,000
Mary Bremigan
Michigan State University
The Indirect Effects of Sonar Application on Lake Food Webs 1999 $34,000
*funded exclusively by APMS
**funded equally among APMS, MAPMS, NEAPMS, Lonza, SePRO and UPI

Tribute to Michael D. Netherland

Mike published high-impact applied studies including numerous papers in the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. He was a phenomenal technical resource to public agencies and private management firms around the U.S. and the world. His support and related research led to adoption of many new herbicide use patterns that fundamentally improved control practices in all types of aquatic systems. He directly advised graduate students at the University of Florida, participated on numerous other student advisory committees around the country, and was a mentor for countless young scientists. He served as President of APMS (2014) and Florida APMS (2009). Beyond and above all of that, he was son, husband, father, and great friend.

At its 59th Annual Meeting in San Diego in July 2019, APMS offered a special tribute to Dr. Netherland with perspectives from a number of Mike’s long-time colleagues/friends. A video of the full tribute (1h 9m) is available here and ends with the official announcement of the renaming of the APMS Graduate Student Research Grant in honor of Dr. Netherland.

APMS Netherland Tribute July 2019 Speakers

• Dr. Mark Heilman – Director of Aquatic Research, SePRO
APMS President (2019-2020)

• Dr. Jay Ferrell – Director, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida
APMS Editor (2013 – 2022)

• Dr. Carole Lembi – Emeritus Professor, Purdue University
Midwest APMS President (1986-1987)

• Dr. Kurt Getsinger – Research Leader, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
APMS President (1996-1997)

• Mr. Jeremy Slade – Business Lead – Aquatics, UPL
APMS Treasurer (2014 – 2020)

• Dr. Tyler Koschnick – Vice President of Sales and Research, SePRO
APMS President (2011-2012)

• Mr. Jeff Schardt – Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (retired)
APMS President (2005 – 2006)

• Dr. Ryan Thum – Assistant Professor, Montana State University
APMS Vice President (2019 – 2020)

• Dr. Rob Richardson – Professor, North Carolina State University
APMS President (2015 – 2016)

• Dr. John Madsen – Research Biologist, US Department of Agriculture
APMS President (2016 – 2017)