

The Hyacinth Control Society was organized in 1961 as a forum to exchange information related to water hyacinth and its management in Florida waters. 


The Hyacinth Control Society was renamed to the Aquatic Plant Management Society


APMS celebrated the first 36 years of the Society during the annual meeting at Useppa Island, July 1997. 

FILE: Founders, Presidents, Awards and Annual Meetings from 1961 through 1997

VIDEO: A Brief History of the First Thirty-Six Years


“The Origin of a Society”, a presentation by T. Wainright Miller, Jr. was given to the APMS delegates at the annual meeting, July 13, 2004. View the video below:

VIDEO: The Origin of a Society, by T. Wainright Miller, Jr.


APMS celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 2020. Jeff Schardt compiled a list of trends and events from the Society’s Journal articles and Newsletters over the previous six decades. Read the document below:

FILE: APMS by the Decade — A 60-Year Review, by Jeff Schardt